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Complete office workstation check-up

Book our ergonomic experts in for a day of workstation check-ups at your office. They’ll scout your premises and speak with your employees to help solve any workstation issues affecting their comfort, health and productivity.

Book now

A simple, cost effective way to take care of DSE

By taking advantage of our one-day workstation check-up service, you can:

Give everyone a chance to get at-desk DSE advice

Give everyone a chance to get at-desk DSE advice

Increase comfort for greater productivity

Increase comfort for greater productivity

Reduce work-related injuries and absenteeism

Reduce work-related injuries and absenteeism

Save money by tackling issues early

Save money by tackling issues early

Identify issues quickly in one sweep

Identify issues quickly in one sweep

Poor workstation set-ups can increase the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) like back pain and RSI. MSDs account for 30% of work-related ill health cases, and 27% of sickness absences*. A simple workstation check-up by one of our DSE experts will flag any problems and find the best solutions — whether that’s a simple adjustment, or a new piece of equipment. The result? A healthy, happy, high-performance team.

*Source: Health and Safety Executive, Work related musculoskeletal disorder statistics (WRMSDs) in Great Britain, 2020 (PDF).

We’re more productive when we’re comfortable

We’re more productive when we’re comfortable

Finding a comfortable position at your workstation isn’t always straight-forward.

Ergonomic positioning is something that takes time and experience to understand.

Our experts will ask questions, take measurements and make sure equipment is optimised for each individual user.

Choose your level of expertise

DSE assessor

DSE assessor

They’ll make sure workstations are DSE-compliant and optimised for comfortable screen work.

Physiotherapist or ergonomist

Physiotherapist or ergonomist

They’ll provide a more in-depth clinical perspective, ideal for those with injuries and conditions.

What happens in a check-up?

What happens in a check-up?

During the service, we’ll:

  • Have informal discussions with your employees to make sure they’re comfortable at their workstations and getting the most out of their equipment.
  • Give dedicated attention to anyone who requests a visit from us in advance (managers can request a visit for team members).
  • Identify any risks and offer feedback (e.g. chair is defective, monitor arm is too low).
  • Direct staff to internal resources if needed.
  • Provide a summary of our discussions and findings.

How much does it cost?

DSE assessor Physiotherapist/ergonomist
£450 + VAT £600 + VAT

To book your session, email consulting@posturite.co.uk, call +44 (0) 345 345 0010, or complete the form below.